Monday 5 August 2013

Social media , Tech app and me

I had been against social media for a  long time.I am not  a tech savvy person.There are too much social medias like Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,Blogging,Viber,What's app among others.Though there are many pros and cons, I personally feel its up to you on how  these medias felicitate you.

I am in Facebook since 2010 and I have found it to be an interesting media.I got connected to most of my MBA mates through Facebook and  till date I am in touch with them.I was touched when one of my ex-student sent me  an request to add her as  a  friend. I get to know what's happening in my neighborhood, my community through Facebook by liking pages that may be  of  use to me.So all was going well till......I felt I was followed by strangers.I choose my privacy settings  to a  more closed one and I have always approved only those friends whom I know personally.So I feel, If  we play safe,Social media is a boon.Even by being cautious,I was cyber bullied recently. Couldn't even imagine if someone could bully me.I learnt an important lesson.If  your profile is public- in any social media, be it Facebook,twitter or instagram, be careful of what you post and there  may be thousands who may be following you.Never share too personal pics on social media platform.I usually share Arshi's pics through my social media platforms like Facebook and Blogger.I found that as my friend-list in my personal Facebook was increasing, I thought it would be wise, If  I start my own blog, where I will be sharing about my life only to those who were really interested..But again, I decided, I will post positive things in life, which may act as  a motivator in my down times.I always believe life is  beautiful and its to our eyes on how we see things around us.Can't believe it's almost 6 months I am still blogging .Before deciding if I could be in blogging ,I was skeptical if I could write any post or if others would love to read them.Ever since I have ventured into my new Passion "blogging", I have received many positive comments on my blogging style.It has given me  an  opportunity to express myself in a new way and at the same time it's a  sovenier of  my past -of the beautiful memories I have shared with my family over the years..Hope I will continue this for ever.

Just a piece of advice who are using Social media:

-Is the media really of need to you.I wasn't in Twitter and Instagram before a few days.I opened mine only when  I found there was a necessity.
-Know whom you are sharing info  with and what is the information.Ignore friend request if you don't know them personally.
-Never get addicted to any social media.They are there to facilitate us and not to have any side effects of our normal life.I blog, only when I am  done with my household work and when Arshi isn't around.

As we are using social media, we are learning a new platform.We are learning something new every day.Before using Facebook,I was uploading loads of pictures on Picasa.As Facebook gained prominence, I personally felt, the usage of Picasa declined.So as new social media platforms come ,old technologies fade  off.Be prepared to learn new things as all these media are user friendly.I am not aware of  many apps and medias.But I am trying to learn those that are of need to me.If you are following my blog post since the beginning, you may notice the changes and the new technology I have incorporated in my blog like using "links between blogs" and connecting between Facebook and blog and vice versa as days pass by.

Have a great time ahead till my next blog post.

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