Tuesday 16 July 2013

"My Singapore memories"-Part 2 ,Year 2008

The year 2008 saw me little familiar with Singapore as I had already spent some 4-5 months here.Arshi was getting used to Singapore life.My friend list were expanding at this year too as I had been regular to the playground.The year started with POngal, a Tamil festival meant to celebrate harvest.I made Pongal for teh first time.We were required to offer pongal,Sugarcane to the Sun God as offerings.

with a piece of sugarcane.here in Singapore, we can get sugarcane in small pieces, whereas in India, you have to buy a whole sugarcane.

Arshi had started to walk and could even dance to the music.

trying for a dance step

We were exploring many new Hindu temples as usual.Apart from visiting temples, we were also exploring some new places as and when time permitted.I was introduced  to Chinese New Year.I saw God of Fortune statue.Came to know that Chinese new year celebrations is for 3 days and shops are closed for 2 days.So had to stock up essentials .We used the holidays to visit Sentosa. The flower show was an annual event held during the month of  February .I was impressed to see many flower floats.

Arshi was growing fast and she was exploring all the new things in her playground.Some random clips I took of her in the playground.

When I am looking at these pics, I can't believe my eyes. Arshi was so sweet and chubby those days. Now she has grown tall and little skinny. Arshi gets angry if I tell she is skinny.

These snaps were taken near my block at Tampines Park.

As I was using a mobile phone  with camera, I was taking random snaps of he almost  regularly.Of late, i notice even with my digital camera, my photo taking culture has taken a  back seat.I am taking fewer pics nowadays compared to previously.I am reminded of the memories as I scroll through the photos.

Apart from playing in the playground,Arshi was interested to explore new play equipments in our house too.Though she had her own set of play toys,I think kids always have a fascination for the things that we use.

Using an empty Lactogen tin as her percussion instrument

I used to buy Lactogen in big tins for her.I had introduced cow's milk even before coming to Singapore and she had been drinking the UHT milk after she came here.But still I used Lactogen as I found it easier to make midnight milk formulations or when we are having an outing.My travel bag was my companion for almost 2 years.I had 2 set of baby travel bag, one big for a  full day outing and  another smaller one  for a half  day outing.

We celebrated her second birthday in our house by inviting our friends.

the b'day girl

time to taste the yummy cake

it's gift time

The kids-Prati,Arshi,Sanju(Arshi's good friend since then and both of them study in the same school and class, but share different sections),Sadhana,Ritu.

a family pic.I seem  to have gone fat these days.....

The menu:Fried rice,chappati,kurma,carrot halwa,idli,gulab jamun,curd rice,raita,sambar......I don't remember the whole list and at that point of time didn't think of taking pictures of the menu clearly .

I cooked for her Birthday and everyone was surprised to see me cook many items.Infact the coking part took the whole day.I started to cook from the morning and finished it only by evening.It was my first time cooking for any party.

We bought her a  new tricycle hoping she would use it.
Arshi's first vehicle(OKOK-a tricycle)

She did use it and broke them into parts within a  few days.hahhaha.

My kitchen expliots were continuing and I was trying traditional dishes for the first time for the various festivals and poojas regularly without fail.I made these dishes during Vinayagar Chaturthi.


Vinayagar Chathurthi pooja in my house
 We went to Layong Sithi Vinaya Temple for teh occassion to get the blessing of the first God.The temple has got  a specaility.The vinayaga's temple is located inside a Chinese temple.A perfect example to show racial harmony.

My first navrathri Golu had only 3 steps.

A closer look at the first step-Gods

2 nd step-animals

3 rd step:non-living things

During Navrathri my husband had to be hospitalized unexpectedly.He was admitted at Changi General Hospital for nearly 5 days as he was reported to have higher creatine level.Luckily by God's grace, his creatine level came down over the days to come and he was back to normal.It was one of the difficult periods in my life where I was shuttling between hospital and house carrying Arshi in  my lap.I was cooking my morning food, fast feeding Arshi,do the daily Navrathri Pooja,rush to the hospital, visit my hubby,see the doctor and wait for their result and then again come back home.Make Arshi take  a small nap.In the mean time , I used to make sundal(a cereal snack) which I used to offer to God in the evening and again rush to the hospital to see my husband.I used to come very late by around 10.00 pm daily and the next morning the same pattern continued  for the next 4 days.Luckily my husband was discharged before Saraswathi pooja and Vijaya dasami, the end of Navrathri.I just thought, it was goddess test to her devotee.

After Navrathri, we were back to normal.The lightups in Little India cheered us up.

After Deepavali Christmas season began and this tiem around, i took my camera to malls and took some good pics of the Christmas trees.

Arshi also watched her first show-Hello Kitty at Tampines Mall with much interest as it was one of her favourites.I was surprised to see many shows for children at various malls across Singapore during holiday seasons.As Arshi was small and I too was pretty new to these type of things, I kept myself to things around Tampines for the next 2 years.I should admit at this point of time that I too was enjoying all the shows along with her.I forgot I had crossed 27 years that time......

It was followed by karthigai, the festival of lights.

So I can say, the year 2008 was a mixed year for me.I learnt a lot that year. Arshi was growing.She had developed her own liking for certain things.She had also been creative.I knew this will continue for the rest of her life.

Hope all of you are finding it interesting to read my posts and  am not boring you .Bye for now till I meet you up blogging about our lives and interesting things that happened in the year 2009.

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