Thursday 11 July 2013

Am writing my new post "My Singapore memories" series.

I am now writing a  blog post series of my Singapore memories.Time flies like anything.I was just like yesterday I came  to Singapore.But it's gonna be six years. Woo. These six years has seen so many ups and downs in our life,Arshi was just 1 when I took her here  and now she is a P1 student at a local school.

1 year old Arshi holding our hands

6 year old Arshi(taken recently) with her art work done in SAM  without our help.She has evolved more independent these days.It's a pleasure to see her grow in front of our eyes .

As I am taken back to those days, it is taking time for me to document the blog post with photos. Kindly bare with me as I am working on it and will be back with the finished post where I am planning to post some important milestone that happened in Arshi's life as well as some interesting places we have been these 6 years and am planning to finish it off in a couple of weeks .Am planning to make it  in parts, maybe like   one blog-post for every year.Am also busy teaching Arshi as we are back from India. She has got her spelling tests.Now it's going to  be a routine back again for Arshi-going to school,going for her music class,Hindi class and occasional visits to the playground, if time permits and she finishes her work on  time(my expectation too high lah).Bye and have a great time till my next post.

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