Tuesday 25 March 2014

Pop out book

This march holidays I attended so many programs on art and  craft all thanks to the kind  people of  TRL.This one is about how   Arshi created her own pop out book.It's  very simple.Ask your child  to read a  story book along with you.If  they are a  little  grown up, you can ask them to write their own short story.After they have finished reading the story , as k them to write it down on papers.Ask them to draw the main characters .When we are using characters , make sure you make  a  mirror image too  as  we need  to stick it backwards in the flap paper we a re gonna make as  our pop out.For  smaller kids, parents can help draw the characters, cut them and  ask the kids to color.Once done, paste it like the one  shown in this picture.

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