Tuesday 26 March 2013

Singapore Memory Project

I have pledged my blog for the Singapore Memory Project.Have you?
If you wanna be part of this national initiative, do so.


Monday 25 March 2013

Why blog?

I have  been blogging for some time now  and I really feel it is  an interesting thing to do- to remember the little little things around  you and of course  record something important in Arshi's life.It  may seem like we remember everything in our life but when we rewind, we might have forgotten most of our live's cherished moments.So I have taken up blogging as  a   tool for this.This has not only helped me record my nice moments, but has also given confidence in myself.A tool to further improve my language skills.A sayings goes, you cannot achieve perfection if you have not practiced and tried it.I am new to blogging and still exploring the options available.We should never stop learning.You too can blog about your interests and share them with your friends. Happy blogging (if you  are already a blogger, and if not why don't you blog?)and  have  a great time till my next post.

Remembering old playgrounds of Singapore

Old is gold,and so are the playgrounds built more than 30 years.I came across these old playgrounds from some magazines and posts in facebook. I was very fascinated and liked to visit at-least a few with Arshi.So far have visited a few and would like to share them with you.All these playgrounds were visited by myself and Arshi over these 6 months.Planning to visit the rest in the days to come.My experiences of these playgrounds:

Dragon Playground(Blk 28,Toa Payoh Lorang 6):

Dragon playground is an old playground in Toa Payoh.When we had   an opportunity to visit Toa Payoh(almost 6 months back), I had almost forgot about this playground.But, I had seen this many times I have been to Mediacorp through bus.So I started to hunt for the playground from a few locals.But to my surprise, people have almost forgot what is in their locality.I was surprised that , I couldn't locate this playground.But, I didn't give up and somehow managed to find the playground and after dozens of enquiry and walking around Toa Payoh, I managed to get glimpse of this playground.It is   a  sand  filled playground which is  very rare in Singapore nowadays.Usually modern playgrounds are finished with rubber mats.I found the playground quite interesting as it had  a spiral walkway,concrete slide.Kids are sure to enjoy .Arshi had  a blast that day.

posing in the spiral

You can see small plastic rides as well

Toa payoh mini dragon playground:

I spotted this playground on my way in  a bus and quickly on my return journey hopped down to take a look at this playground.Another playground from the yesterdays.It was raining, but it didn't stop us from exploring.Maybe another day when it isn't raining, I should bring Arshi back to this playground to play.

if you can notice, the floor is covered with rubber mats

a small plastic ride for the toddlers

Modern playground next to an olden playground. Isn't
 it so different?

Even could spot a  fitness corner.

Clock playground:

Spotted in Boon Lay, Arshi had played in this playground a few times earlier,but, I had not taken pictures during my previous visits as I dint knew of its significance then.So, once when we were there some 4 months back, I took it an opportunity to be there.But to my dismay, it was being demolished.I took photograph of them and here they are for you.

Watermelon playground(Tampines Central Park):

I never knew,Tampines had an old playground until a  few months back.Since then I have  been wanting to take Arshi with me to that playground.This March holidays, we finally manged to go to that Tampines watermelon playground.It is a  playground having swing,concrete slide.I loved the design.

a peep from the glass structure

dual function for this rod.....swing,exercise kit.....hahha....

Very near to this , there are two  mangosteens connected by iron bars.They looked lovely in the same park.

What really mattered me was the interior which had some  scribbling by strangers.We should try to preserve our heritage and not damage them.

My search for the old playgrounds won't stop here.I will surely continue with my journey and take Arshi along to these playgrounds.Will blog about olden playgrounds if I chance to be some where near them and blog about my experience.

A tip:

So if you happen to be in a  neighborhood or planning to visit  a place, do know some of the interesting places and try to cover them during your visits. Who knows you maybe exploring some great places and they may be in your cherished memories forever.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Kindness-some lessons learnt

It's March holidays and we started the week long holidays with a visit to Smarts kids Asia.For a record, we were there for 2 days.Yeah, believe me.Friday,was there for almost 2 hours and then again on Sunday, was there for almost   a whole afternoon and evening.What really fascinated me most was Singapore Kindness Movement's Kindsville.It was a cute booth with Singa characters and most importantly, they had some important message for the kids- how to be gracious, considerate.

Arshi was all OK till yesterday where the magic of Singa and friends had set up in her.Yesterday I took her to Tampines Regional Library as there was a performance from TPSS students on respect.They were taught about the importance of giving respect through  2  short skits by students.After the show, the kids got  to make their own kindness card.Everything was going smooth.I was wondering if Arshi had become a good girl.After our return from temple yesterday night, she again saw the signs of being gracious in bus and she started to discuss about being kind and gracious  and the booths she saw in the fair.I was glad, she remembered them well.I was further teaching her the importance of being kind.But to my shock, she said a statement I couldn't accept.She said, it isn't practical to be kind all the time and if we are too kind and if  others are bullying or dominating you, the next time  you try to be kind, they will try to be more adamant in their stands.I knew Arshi is wrong.But , she was right .These days all kids are too smart.She was saying "You can't be kind all the time.No way." Again , after walking from the bus, she helped me take a small bag by carrying them.I forgot to say "Thank you".She was upset.I had  to tell her that while helping, you can't always expect to be thanked.But we need to continue  with our good deeds.She was refuting to that as well.Now  I knew, I should thank my little girl to motivate her in all the good deed she does and maybe act as her positive role model.Hope she will learn the importance of kindness one day-to be really kind and be really helpful to others without any expectation.As parents we should be considerate, gracious,helpful to influence our kids.

Wednesday 20 March 2013


This March Holidays, we had a chance to see Gloobaloo , a local musical show produced by Big Boat Studios.Arshi was very fascinated to be part of being a great audience. Gloobaloo is  an alien.So isn't it just perfect -alien and musicals. Arshi loved them from the start. In fact , we had to skip her Hindi class for that  .But fret not,Arshi isn't feeling for that.It was worth getting up early in the morning and we had to hurry down to Kallang theater before 10 am.As we started  a little bit late from our house maybe around 9.00 am I was really afraid if we could reach Kallang on time.But anyhow after taking bus, then transferring to MRT, then changing to the circle line,we manged to reach there almost there on time.The lightings inside the theater was fantastic and all the three of us-Arshi and us enjoyed every segment.The screen was changing to the drama and we were glued to the screen.Though Gloobaloo was very new to us, we loved him very much.There were many interesting characters in his enchanted forest.We enjoyed seeing unicorn.It was my favorite  We were there for some familiar songs like "clap your hands" .The dancers were in full energy.The finale where the kids joined with the artist dancing to Gangnam style was very entertaining for the kids.Maybe if the kids had a chance to get them photographed with Gloobaloo and the cast, it would have been even more fantastic.We loved the show.

Self click

with dad

The stage being transforming to a forest.I loved the stage and the lighting's were fantastic.

Our favorite Unicorn,it came all the way down the stage

Hoho.....it's the fire dragon.....

the cute water dragon

posing with the cast

interior of kallang theater. Isn't it nice.For a moment, I felt like being  transformed to some palace.

On the whole  a great show for both children and parents.We had a  great Saturday morning .

Sunday 17 March 2013

Missing Tooth

Back to blog about Arshi's missing tooth. Wondering why to blog about it?Well.It all started about 2 weeks back when Arshi complained of severe tooth ache and she was struggling with her shaken tooth.I first took it lightly as it was her first milky teeth to begin shaking.I was even given suggestions from a few friends to get the tooth removed from the school dentist and some of us felt, it was better to let the tooth fall by itself.She was struggling hard.She wasn't able to eat anything the couple of days.Last Friday  when she went to bed, she had tooth, but when she woke up this Saturday, her tooth went missing.We had searching spree in our house.The search for the missing tooth began in the bed and continued looking in the hall.We couldn't locate it.I had  a small fear in my mind, if it had been swallowed by her maybe during her dinner or so......Luckily my hubby saw a small little milky tooth in the floor and to be true, I was relived.The drama didn't end here.Arshi for the past one year had been expecting tooth fairy to take away her tooth and give some gift.During the night, I went to bed early as I had just come from my IAEC's bonding night .Didn't realize when these people slept.To my surprise, when I was cooking in my kitchen,I heard Arshi shouting with joy.I just peeped in and saw $11 in her hands.She told me tooth fairy had kept the money for her.But she was wondering why the tooth fairy din't take away her tooth.The previous night, this little girl had placed her teeth under her pillow and expected tooth fairy for a gift.Guess who would have given her the gift?She was still skeptical of whether really tooth fairy kept the gift or us.Before I end this post, when my hubby asked her why should tooth fairy give gifts to children, she had an interesting story.Sure, it has come from her imagination.Tooth fairies take away the tooth to their kingdom and sell the tooth to other fairies and from the proceeds from the sale, they were able to survive for themselves(food, clothing etc according to her) and from the remaining money, they were able to give as gifts to the kids.The milky tooth were considered as gold and diamond in their kingdom.Really kids are super smart these days and too creative beyond our imagination.Only thing is we have to have lend our ears for them and we can be in our own fantasy world.The poor tooth fairy(!!!!) did one mistake.It didn't take away her teeth.Maybe it didn't remember!!!!Arshi is now expecting her other teeth to fall.My hubby quickly told her, Tooth fairies will give gift only for the first tooth .Who knows, maybe the tooth fairy would have told my hubby of this.Hehehehe....

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Arshi set alarm on my cell.....

Wondering why 6+ yr Arshi set up alarm in my cell.Well it is funny story,I need  to share.Usually , I make her to have an afternoon nap.Before sleeping my little beauty/beast? You guess what she did?She took my cell and set alarm all on her own.She has seen me do this before.I was thrilled.Joy knew no bounds.I was thinking , my little girl had grown and she is setting alarm to wake up early and study.Usually, I scold her for taking long afternoon naps.The alaram rang and saw Arshi sleeping peacefully.I didn't want the little girl to wake up and as a loving and caring (that's what I was thinking I was), I stopped and alarm and was continuing with my routine.A few minutes later,she woke up and asked me if the alarm had rung.I replied  yeh. She was terribly upset.She began to cry and got angry.I was clueless of her behavior.She immediately ran to the living room and was gazing at the wall clock.Now I knew, why she set the alarm and why she wanted to wake up on time.I switched on TV.Her favourite Tv show Dora and Matyoyo were airing at that time .She didn't want to miss them.Hoho.I had to pacify her and tell he that she would have not missed her show by more than 5 min.She was by now glued to her TV set .Hope one day, she will set alarm for studying too(hoping it comes soon)  .These small small things do make our lives interesting.I shared this with her dad when he was back from office,he was all in smile of his girls's smart act.Nowadays kids are creative especially  when they want things to be done they like.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

It's P1 time....We need to study lah....

Arshi's in P1 this year.A great year for her as well as for us.Till last year she was a preschooler.Now a pupil......in a primary school. Sounds OK .But in her so called big school, she has learnt to be more responsible.She has to go to her classroom carrying her back pack all by herself.She eats by herself in her recess(but seldom finishes it off, that is  a different story which I will blog as  a separate entry on some later time).She is having her daily dosage of tests ranging from spelling test to mental sum revisions in her class.She has learnt to be more social than before  this year.She has learnt lot of Singlish thanks to the influence of her buddies.Only thing that has not  set in her  is her study time.Hope she starts to study on regular time as time goes on.So far,after almost 2 months in he new school, she has coped well compared to our fear.Hope this school year goes smooth for this little girl.
Arshi's choosen as her class libarian.Isn't this sounds great.

With her classmates and buddies during the first week of school.

Monday 4 March 2013

Rise and Shine Carnival

This Sunday we went to rise and Shine Carnival.Thanks to Sengkang Babies , we won a pair of tickets as a give away in their blog.Kids below 12 years go free.So Arshi's is for free.It's aim is to promote having breakfast among kids.It was a fun filled  event for the whole family.It was held at Lawn,Marina Bay.We had to get up early.I packed some breakfast for us and we headed down to the carnival .We were there by 8.15 am. Already many people were there and were comfortably settled in their picnic mat(given along the goody bag).We went for a short trip around the carnival before settling in our picnic mat.I should say Arshi was all in fun throughout the morning.One important event was there.It was a record breaking event for the maximum number of persons having breakfast in a  single location and we were part of that  Hooray for us and our friends over there.It was headed by Dr.Amy Khor, Ministry of health and Ministry of manpower.

Arshi and dad

it's fun munching as a family on a  Sunday morning.

enjoying a stage game

it's game time at a booth

with stilt walkers