Thursday 10 April 2014

Trip to Raffles Light House

Myself and Arshi were lucky enough to visit Singapore's oldest light house-Raffles Light House this week.It was a  a sort of   picnic  for us though it was organised as part of a   learning journey.The journey began at Marina South pier.We visited The Singapore Maritime Gallery very quickly as  we had to catch the  boat.If I had known that there was a gallery in Marina South Pier, I would have bought Arshi a  little  earlier to have  a detailed visit to the gallery.

riding a ship !!!!

it's an inner part view of  a real container

view from the gallery

The kids gallery!!!!!

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all ready to sail...

 It took almost 50-60 minutes to reach the island  where Raffles Light House was located.On our way , we saw Sentosa Cove(ultra modern residential estate for the super rich),Kusu ,St John's Island(a  tourist cum pilgrimage site),Pulau Semakau (the landfill site)and many small islands.Everyone was having blast on the boat.

in boat

view of the city from waters

We even climbed the top of the boat to have cool breeze.

Outside the boat.It is so cool!!!!!

On normal days, we don't have access to the light house.They are open  for the public only on few occasions.

Raffles  Light House dates back to 1850 s when it was constructed.It is functional even today with the light keepers on duty.There are 5 lighthouses in Singapore.All the 5  light houses are not open to public and are restricted.Raffles is  1 of the  5 light houses and  also the oldest of the 5 lighthouses in Singapore.

Raffles Light House has  light house tower, a gallery and small beach resort type coconut farm, which I heard was part of reclaimed land later on.The view from all sides of this small island  was  so beautiful.

Very creative right?They wrote the name on a chair so that we can sit on it if we are tried....

The gallery showed us the various things used on olden days in the lighthouse including some giant lanterns.

 Our old president's letter.

There was a giant water tank too which had pure drinking water for usage in the lighthouse .The guide told us that the water were transported from the mainland to this island for pure drinking purposes.Previously, they had been using water filters and purifiers.

 I loved the olden styled stairs and the window pattern to keep the lighthouse lighted up during day time.

 Later after climbing atop the tower we took some pics for name sake.

atop the lighthouse tower

view from the tower

the Singapore maritime flag

we can see the water tank from top


olden day clock

read it if  you can.....

After visiting the tower, as  we had  some more time, we made a   quick visit to the beach.Arsheitha collected many shells and  now   her shells collection is even more.

now, the fun part of the whole trip....

a  true drumstick plant !!!!

a beach house ???????

collecting shells

many sitting chairs has been added around the place.

Though the island was small, it was  very beautiful.If you happen to get a chance to go there, sure go there.

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