Sunday 28 April 2013

Passion Art's 'THE HEart OF TAMPINES'

  • 5 weekends and different art forms.Right in the heart of Tampines.Well I am referring to Passion Art's 'THE HEart OF TAMPINES' event that ran thru the month of March and April."Everyone,Everywhere,Everyday" is the catchy slogan for the Passion Arts month 2013.I was lucky enough to enjoy 4 weekends of arts thanks to the organizers. Arshi eagerly looked forward to all these events.There were lot of events throughout and I choose that are near my house and that suits Arshi's timings. Remember, She is in P1 now.But she too needs some break and as Arshi loves these events, I thought, it would be a perfect break from her routine for a month.I came thru this event through Facebook and thru pamphlets.

We started with "The Chair" .I attended the 30 th march 2013 ,3.00 pm -show at Black Box@Tampines Primary School.It's a play showcasing Peranakan Culture.I was only aware of the them before and this play created more awareness of the culture and how they came about to Singapore,what is their origin and all.I had already been to Peranakan Museum before.But after this play I had the urge to go back again and learn more about their culture.A very touching story of generations using a single chair.I also got to understand how Singapore has evolved over the past century.I was skeptical if Arshi could understand anything as she was not exposed to these type of plays before.She had been watching the kids show all these while.She was able to grab the essence after-all. I loved the acting by the cast. Kuddos to them.Some photos I took during the event.

Well that was for our 1 st week.A great start isn't.The 2nd week too we had some time for enjoying music.It's Arshi's favourite of all.Despite being busy going to DBS Arts Centre to see Goldilocks and the three bears,We headed to Tampines West CC for a workshop on hand-bells conducted by MOB.We were introduced to the instrument and even got to play the hand-bell. We also got to use hand-chimes. I was amused by the sound pattern.Myself and Arshi got to play 2 songs.The first one being "old mcdonald"
famous with kids and the other being Rasa Sayang.I had heard of this many times before and if I am not wrong,had remembered hearing this one during the Chair play too.I didn't take many pictures as my hands were too busy.So a snap from the facebook page of Passion Art's 'THE HEart OF TAMPINES'.

We are trying the hand-bells. Though it appears to be simple, it is indeed difficult  to play the instrument and I missed out many beats here and there.Was just wondering how the professionals handle the instrument. Handling the instrument itself is an art.We were instructed not to touch the hand-bell with our bare hands.

Arshi being interviewed by the media.So bold before camera.Loving it......

3 rd week I had to miss out.I had a  deep desire to attend Tampines Central CC's events.But as Arshi's school had given us set of tickets for their community play "Bridging Communities"  dramas put together by the teachers,pupils and parents of TPS, I had  to skip the CC's events.As that Sunday was Tamil New Year, we were busy going to temple.It's after all his blessings that make us survive.I got to see the photos thru their Facebook page. Arshi would have surely enjoyed herself.

4 th week , I took Arshi to Tampines East CC for My Arts Memories.Though it was raining, we managed to go there for  a fun filled afternoon. Arshi tried her hands on the shrink art and bead work.She took photo there at the photo booth wearing some props. So some more photos for my collage on my living room. 

The keychain she made during the workshop.It is dangling in her school bag  now.The photos We took during the event.

The kids were treated with free flow of candy floss, ice-cream and balloons.Which child won't like such places?A great afternoon for the little girl who braved the rain.

enjoying her candy floss while waiting for her turn to get balloons.I loved the shape of the candy floss.They were of flower shape.Failed to capture the candy floss separately.Very creative candy floss.Arshi loved them and finished the whole by herself.That says how yummy it would be.

getting ready to be  go back  home after a fun filled afternoon.

The final week was the closing celebrations held near Tampines MRT and that was were Arshi enjoyed a lot.As we had plans to make it  to Drama nite(Annual event of Tamil Play by the children) at Senbaga Vinaygar temple for the evening we managed  a have our afternoon fun at the Arts Village.Though I had planned  for less than 1 hour, we happened to be in the Passion Arts Village for more than 1 1/2 hrs.

She got to make her own badge with her name in it.She even made a  personalized key-chain with her name (here too).

Arshi choose 2 badges among a few and this showed her interest.Ya,she loves to Sing and yes, she does little bit of scribbling, though I won't call them as drawings.

her personalised keychain and badge.Both were designed(!!!!)by Arshi.

She was introduced  to scratch art for the first time.

She liked the art form so much that after coming home she added more designs to them.

She even made lollipop bouquite at a booth with the help of the kind instructor. She was proud of the bunch.

She tried her hands on stocking flower workshop too.But she couldn't get it right.But she did enjoy.

There were many other booths  too like henna making,sand art and many more.There was Batik Print booth too.

I tried my hands doing some stitching too.

We wrote our own message for the Tampines tree as well. Arshi wrote"I love Passion art".I didn't teach her what to write.She wrote that from her heart.

Many tried there hands on pottery too.At the entrance of the festive village,I saw photo trail of teh events that happened thru out and was really glad to see many people participating eagerly.I could spot even Arshi's photo.She was working on her bead work when we were at Tampines East CC.So a click of her photo with  my little girl herself....

Look how concentrated she is?Hope she does so when she studies too......(just kidding)
There were line of activities spread thru out the month in Tampines alone for varied age groups and we were able  to get glimpse of only a few.I personally liked the photography workshop by Tampines West CC, movie screening by the Tampines North CC(They screened Madagascar3-It's Arshi's fav, but we missed it),Tampines Changkat's Chinese Cultural faceMask painting and Mobile theater workshop.If I had time , maybe we would have covered these and more events too.Imagine what would be  the amount of Arts related events spread thru out the Island for the Passion Arts Month 2013.

Such events make us bond  with the community easily and I have made many friends too from such events.It's almost 6 years since I have come to Singapore and my bond with this beautiful country is growing because of such programs and initiative taken by the Government.Many time some staff and volunteers do greet me when they see me in such events and I take it as  a compliment.Such events introduced IAEC to me and now I too am  a volunteer with my nearby CC's  IAEC. I have made lot of  friends during this and it does help my confidence when we interact with them and help in organizing events.As Arshi too has accompanied  to all the programs  her love for arts is   growing.She tries to be more creative.Hoping to see more of such community arts program frequently in our neighborhood. It's surely months of planning and organizing  and love and dedication from the staffs like Joey Sim.I have seen her organised  many programs in our Tampines West CC  throughout this month and again for the closing ceremony she was very active  and the very next day she was busy as usual organizing for our CC's Tamil New Year celebrations.She is always an inspiration for me.With Many more staff too whom I have seen , I find the same level of dedication in them when they go for such grand-scale programs spread out throughout the Island nation to reach out the communities.My thanks to all the organizers for this Passion Arts from bottom of my heart .Thanks for making a memorable month for us and for many more.Thanks for bringing smiles in the face of children.Thanks for bringing creativity in us.Thanks for making us  one big community.

Thursday 25 April 2013

Goldilocks and the Three Bears in DBS Arts Centre

Actually this is a long due post.Recently I took Arshi for a play.OK.I took her on April 7.It was a Sunday.It's also her favorite play-SRT'sGoldilocks and The Three Bears.The play was at Merbau Road's DBS Arts Center. It was our first visit to the place.I loved the place.I have seen some plays before.But this one was quite unique.The set was really realistic.I could see  moving props.The set being transformed from a forest to the bear's house in a just a  few minutes.The three beds of the bears sliding in .....everything was amazing.We loved the casts.They were so natural.Till the end of the musical, we were transformed into the play.The message at the end of the play was very much appreciated  .As photographs were not allowed,we couldn't take any pictures during the show.That was a plus point too as we got  to see the play and there were no distractions. Otherwise, I would have gone mad taking a few dozens without really enjoying the show. Arshi loved the characters and the songs that came in the show.It was a fun filled morning for my little girl.Though meant for kids,I would say, I too enjoyed it to the greatest.I loved the architecture of the place as it took me to a different era.Some pictures I took of the place.

Can you spot Arshi?

The entrance

Loved the vintage sign board.

In her seat all set for the play.

and finally of the great  set.The play still lingers in my mind.

Thursday 4 April 2013

iremember goes to Tampines - launch event

iremember goes to Tampines is  a  Singapore Memory project to collect the memories of the residents here in Tampines.It was held on 31 march 2013,near Tampines MRT.Childhood games from the yester years were showcased and there some some games to  try out for the visitors too.After a hectic trip to temple for the annual Chandi Homam,then visit to our library, we headed towards the exhibition.There I too contributed my memories.My memories of Singapore are just 6 years but, as the saying goes on, yesterday's happenings are today's memories.I had taken my camera with me(as usual) and had pictures of some previous year's pic on them.I choose Arshi's sports meet pic as my contribution .

my contribution-Arshi's school sports day meet pic in Tampines Stadium

It was special in many ways.It was my daughter's first sports meet, where she joined with her fellow students to compete and also it was held in Tampines Stadium.The place is  important as it is this place where the new Tampines Town Hub is   going to be constructed. So our memories of the place really counts.I also recorded my memories of Tampines  in a  special booth set up  for that.There were 3 booths  and  as  we finished 3 booths we were given a  goody bag.The goody bag is a  sure reminder of the yester years for many as  they had  a wooden hand fan,rainbow spring ring,and Chinese Chess board.They had also given some traditional snacks in the goody bag.My hubby played a  traditional game and he won a  prize pack.they had some tidbits and snake and ladder game.

A staff from Tampines town hub approached us and asked me that she has seen me participating in many public events.I was very happy as I was being noticed.She further asked me if  I could be in the launch event with the minister that evening in the same place.I was overjoyed as I would be sharing the stage with MPs. We headed home. Arshi took a   short nap , and then, I took Arshi  to the exhibition again.Our photo, which I had given as soft copy was developed into a hard copy and we were eagerly looking forward for the launch event. Arshi tried a   game on her own too.She too won her prize pack.

We took photos in the booth and  were given a  sticker, which I used to spin the wheel.Arshi won a   traditional five stone pack.She was very thrilled.As I was looking at various stage games, I could really relate to my childhood games.Though ,my childhood days were spent in India, I too had played similar games but with different names.I too had played 5 stones in my childhood days, but with stones.Here , in  Singapore we use small cloth bags.It was   a learning journey  for myself  and   my  little Arshi.Soon the anticipated moment happened.We saw the MPs -Mr.Heng Swee Keat,Minister of Education,  Mr.Masagos Zulkifli,Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Home affairs and Ministry of Foreign Affairs,Mr.Mah Bow Tan,Ms.Irene Ng coming.They were  all ready  to officially launch the event.3 residents  from Tampines were chosen to represent our fellow residents and my name was called.I joined Arshi.We were personally greeted by MPs.We showed off our photo.

Exchanging  few words with the Education Minister.

Looking at the contributions made by us.

Later we dropped them in a box.Our entries were also shown in the screen there.I also wrote down my memory in a  card along with the ministers.A friend of mine  told me that we were shown in TV too.I missed out seeing it.A truly happy and special moment for me  and  Arshi.It was a  fun filled day.The little princess was rewarded with a chilled treat from McDonalds.

too busy  with her ice cream
She got her favorite choco cone ice-cream-Yummy....... for her good behavior through out the day without too much rest and fuss.Another day to remember for us- and this one for our lovely experience.