Been busy with Arshi and so couldn't blog for a few days and I was away to India as well.My apologies for not being that active in blogging.
As Usual I went to India for a month and I should say, this trip was more of meeting your family than sight seeing as the weather was too hot.So we dug our self inside our house most of the time that too in AC rooms.Arshi had her share of tummy aches in between our trips thanks to the too hot sun.This trip to some extent was special as we were about to see my younger sister in law after almost 4 years.Arshi was very eager to meet her aunt.My younger sis in law Praveena is staying in USA and would visit India very rarely as she was too busy with her own life style.This trip has its own ups and downs.Happier moments were when we spent time as a family.But there were some unexpected twists too.My father and my bro had come to the airport to pick us up and drop us in my mother-in -laws house.As soon as reached Chennai Airport, I learnt that my mother had chicken pox.It was my first blow.I didn't expect it to happen it at the very beginning.It meant I couldn't see my mom till she gets cured and it also meant, my stay with her would be cut short.We may grow older, but we are always our mother's kids .No matter how old you may get, you will always have an urge to be with your mom , especially i f you are going to meet her after a year.
As I was feeling pained by my mother getting chicken pox, the very next day, I was informed by my parents that My brother too got chicken pox.All I could do from my inlaws place was pray for them and that they get recovered soon.
My elder sis-in-law came to see us and left in 2 days.After that spending time was really tough.We were waiting for 14 th of June when both my hubby as well as my younger sis -in -law would be coming to India.I should also say that those 1 week were our rest period.
Soon the time came when we met my sis in law.My mother inlaw had planned for a detailed pilgrimage trip for a week.We went to our village, Cuddalore for a week and so officially began our holiday trip.Can you imagine the joy this little girl would have had with her dad,grandma,two aunts, uncles and all her cousins surrounding her and showering her with all their love?Arshi was in fact very much delighted and I think she would have had her best times this holiday being in Cuddalore.
Let me share seem pictures taken during my trip.This trip, I didn't manage to take many pictures as I had forgot to bring my camera along when I went out or was busy with the prayer preparations that I had little or almost no time to snap away the happier moments we spent as a family.
off to India(Changi Airport) |
with my patti(paternal grandma) |
cousins |
sis in law |
pooja in my Cuddlaore house |
All donned up for pooja |
Arshi's first India movie experience in a thereat. |
happy b'day akkaSashank- my nephew giving cake to his mom. |
happy couples |
large dosa |
one of our family temple |
with attai(aunt) |
fun time |
playing in sand |
time to pose |
my maternal grandpa and grandma.grandma. They came all the way from village to see us.Feeling touched by their love. |
pooja in my bro's house |
bro's pooja room(prayer room)
bonding time |
madisar maami(myself in traditional Madisar- a brahmin style dress for ladies) |
kulfi time |
Now some photo time with all:
patti |
my parents |
we three |
praveena akka,kavin |
with amma,Madhu |
Suresh Attimber |
my motherinlaw |
off to Singapore, bye bye India !!!!! |