Friday 24 May 2013

Art Garden 2013 @ SAM 8Q

It's that part of the year myself and my little girl have been waiting so long.It's Art Garden 2013 at SAM @ 8Q.It's  my second season .Art Garden is part of Children's Season program  at various museums.Ever since we were there last year, I had been waiting for this.A fun filled art fun for the children of all ages and for those too who feel like children at heart and that includes myself.In the pretend of taking Arshi, I too enjoyed my day .I took Arshi last Friday.It was 17 th may and the first day, it was opened to public.Another advantage was that, from that day, admission to PRs and Singaporeans to museum is free.A great thing for people like me. Arshi was surprised when I told her I will be taking her to Art Garden.

We were greeted by Walter, Arshi's favorite bunny in  front of SAM.

Arshi with Walter.....Don't they look cool.....

We showed our IC for the free entry and got into the art garden.I was welcomed by "The Enchanted Garden City" where we will be taken to  a fairy tale land of our own imagination.I saw pandas,jungle,rainbow,bridge,clouds and all that i could imagine.

Golidilocks and the three (panda)bears

really an enchanted world for the kids

scary jungle....oooooo.....

trying to give a wacky pose...but oops.....
 Arshi drew a picture and her drawing decorated the mirror, mirror on the wall.

She was happy to see her drawing in the wall.Too happy to see kids imagination come alive before their eyes.

Next we went to level 2 and were greeted by "Around the days in eighty worlds".I could see many things in this gallery like chairs,clock,cart in  an interesting way.

opps,small,broken chairs.Arshi didn't broke them....

Another highlight was the kitty we saw from both sides.

We were also greeted by the many kaleidoscopes on both side of the walls.

Arshi was also given a piece of paper and was asked to identify the spiders in the room.You will be surprised to see the spiders under the table, near the door and what not.You should experience them first hand. Arshi had great fun hunting for the spiders.

I should also thank the friendly staff for giving many hints to my little girl. Arshi also made her own kitty and decorated them with paper collage.She let them being on the wall rather than bringing them back to our house.I liked Arshi's attitude.Now,even her art piece is being a  part of the art garden.(!!!!!!).

In the level 2, there was film screening too.But I decided to take Arshi to other galleries .So we moved to Level 3.We went inside "Stellar cave"..To be frank, this was the gallery, i enjoyed most.The whole work was  done by mere screws and strings.Amazing.I could see images of reindeer pig,deer.Wow.

We had an opportunity to even try our hands on the various patterns in the next section. Arshi and myself tried few patterns with the thread.They looked cool too.

my try with stings and screw

Arshi's try....

 after her first try with little help from the staff, now all by herself....hmmm

We proceeded to "The Incredibly magical Expanding Room" , where our voices were transformed to different patterns.

I loved both last years and this years version.Even last year's version was something to play with our voices and modulations.

We then proceeded to "Glossy dreams in depth" .Arshi was a  little bit scared of this.

I think Arshi is too old to sit in this.I don't say like this, but this is what she feels.She doesn't sit on these stuff and says they are meant for kids.Then what  about Arshi...You are a kid too, my darling.

Scary for kids.Don't think kids will love to see this too often.

We were transformed to another world of 3D images by sitting in  a  bed.We were required to wear 3D glasses to get the feel of the many pictures.

trying with her 3D glasses at the video

so biggggg

another 3D picture

I enjoyed this gallery.A brave kid is what I told myself. Arshi did her own mask.

In the level 4, we saw "Love.revolve the world", an art gallery which was done by 750 students from different age groups ranging form preschoolers to big students. I loved the small black canvas being transformed to a collage of art piece. Kuddos to all those who were part of this project.

When we were returning,I took Arshi for the film screening.I was expecting a full length movie for kids.But I was surprised to see movies of 4 minutes.Perfect for kids. Arshi managed to see some 4-5 movies and she enjoyed them.I promised to bring her back to watch the movies .

The entrance is greeted by various block of wooden boxes each being designed by NUS students.All the blocks showed the different places of Singapore from their insight.I could see only a  few.Maybe next time , I can manage to see all the blocks.All the blocks were interesting with a  story to tell us.I was impressed by the materials used .I really loved being there.Arshi too loved this section.

After my first visit to Art Garden 2013 this year , I am sure to take Arshi there for a second time and may be many more times if time permits.Last year, I took her some 3-4 times and every time, she wasn't bored at all.I also expect that these installations will be there till night festival, which we are eagerly looking forward with slight changes to further surprise us.

I would recommend all parents to take their kids for this art garden and then you will make it  an annual affair.A great way to introduce arts to our kids.I could see small toddlers on the first day and I could see happiness in the kids face.Even if you are not a  kid, but if you love art, it's a place you should be visiting if you happen to be in Singapore.There are many other museums too having activities for kids for the Children's Season.Check out the webpages before heading down.

Art Garden 2013 happens at SAM @ 8Q, Brash Basah road.Admission for Singaporeans and PR is free.All you have  to do is show your IC.If you are a foreigner  you can always buy tickets at $10 for adults and $5 for Children.The museum is free for all during Fridays from 6 pm to 9 pm.Do check their webpage for more