Monday 9 December 2019

2019 so far

Arshi has finished sec 1 and going to sec 2 next year. She got adjusted to her school pretty well .She is not among top but loving her studies .She is again blessed by caring and dedicated teachers .Here except for parents teacher meeting where we can meet maximum  of 6 teachers we parents don't have any contact with teachers. Students are taught to be independent and learn to ask their doubts among their peers and teachers themselves. They have hand phone and WhatsApp group for each subject and at the beginning  I found it quite annoying to see her glued to her phone frequently but later realized that students here are like that. She gets her doubts clarified through that medium when in house .These days she hardly sits with us and studies .Its trial and error and she is trying to figure out what method suits her well. She spends most of the day  in her school and mostly comes late after cca ,leadership sessions, TIP class etc .It us quite tiring to see her like that .Her scores are not as high as she was in her primary school.Here getting above 60,70 is considered a joy for her and she clearly says she can't shine like others and I shouldn't compare her with others and tries her best to outshine her own best. Its  good in a way .I would be glad of she gets good score the next few years and lands in good JC and then a good university with a good degree.Next year end they will have streaming and have to choose subjects .Mostly subject combination is chosen by students and they are allocated subjects based on Mark.I am not sure what subject fancies Arshi .These dats we cannot force kids with our decision but we can merely be a  guide .Hope Arshi goes through right path .
CK is growing up. WE managed to get him a seat near our house for his nursery .Its Arshis preschool and just near our block.He should cope well there. I AM quite worried about him being very naughty .While many would have already gone to school its gonna be first time for this boy .
I am also facing lot of health issue from last June .on and off to doctors and having medications. Hope the coming days bring positive change to me health wise .I have been having ulcers and recently leg and knee and bone and joint pain too.Proper diagnosis isn't done and every visit they give some medicine and hope the problem resolves there .I too am hopeful I get cured soon as this impacts my mental health too a lot .
Though its holiday time I am not going out frequently due to chill weather ,my health and ofcourse the naughty CK who is at times quite difficult  to manage and keeps running around places .I have to ask arshi to accompany me even if I go to nearby shops to buy provisions as it's almost impossible these days tc of him alone .
Arshi is bored in house as it is holiday time and spends her time taking care of ck ,helping me around with chores and reading books and watching YouTube videos etc .

Wishing that we welcome brand new year with loads of positiveness. MAY ALL OUR DREAMS COME TRUE.

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