Monday 30 December 2019

School Holidays 2019 so far

We have come to an end of school holidays .Here for Arshi school ended by Oct last week itself but she was required to go to school for few days as their school open house was there during Nov mid .After open house she went to school amd other assembly places few days in between to rehearse for next year orientation for sec 1 as she is part of leadership group.We didn't go out much this year as compared to previous years .Weather was not nice and rainy too and quite chill.I had health issues.CK was naughty .Arshi preferred staying indoors rather than chasing him outdoors .Hubby too didnt take much leave this year.Infact he just took 2 days off to finish off his annual leave and one day we went to Sentosa, it was our bad luck it rained abs we didn't see anything there and so went to little india from there .We went to zoo.We didnt even go to Gardens By the Bay where we normally used to go .He took us to few temples he normally goes on few days in between.Before Christmaswe went to OrchardRoad and had a quick view of lighting there .Same day we went to Jubliee park in Fort Canning Park .It has a kid friendly playground with big slides.. But this leave was a relaxed one as I didnt have to hurry up early in the morning cooking and packing for arshi as I needed to pack only for arshi  .Arshi relaxed herself to the max .
We frequented Our Tampanies Hub as it was near and had some fun .Arshi tried few baking .She has shown interest in baking from last year itself and her FCE sessions has increased that desire too.whenever time permits she bakes .She tried cookies,cake and pizza this holiday and I should admit they came good .Forgot to mention that she baked a birthday cake for her dad. Lucky her exams were finished when her dad's birthday was there.
Some pics  taken

Sunday 29 December 2019

Ck draws

Ck has started to draw  with assistance.
Some of his drawings these few days .infact just started drawing 2_3 days back .I think perfect start before he starts going to school.

Ck's first drawing and he drew me !!!

Hope in the coming days he draws more sweet things .He seems to grasp things quite quickly as far as drawing is concerned but still he needed to hold pencil in hand as he doesn't seen to have grip .

Navratri 2019

Ck is still naughty ck .So Kept simple golu.

Arshi's sec 1 journey through my eyes

Sec 1 was a big jump from primary school in many  ways and I had explained here many times. Arshis scholl is icercsnd now next academic year is going to start soon  .Arshi has many subjects in sec 1 compared to primary school. THEY have to study English, Literature, Higher Tamil (she was offered higher Tamil after her psle results and we accepted it too ),Maths,Science ,History, Geography, Food and consumer education (FCE),Design and technology (D&T),Arts,Physical Education and all these are graded and taken into account unlike primary schools where only academic subjects like languages and science ,maths were graded.Teaching is done in classroom and kids are given notes (her school prepares notes and hands out to kids )and they follow on.They do group projects for some subjects. They are given individual homework too .As the number of subjects are more the time to do extra assessment books is very rare .Plus apart from these subjects that are spread over the week they have to choose a compulsory Co curricular activity (CCA) too .Arshi took drama and theatrics. So she has 2 days of CCAs after school hours on normal days when exams are not there .During big exam times CCAs are suspended.
She was part of a performance put up by her drama cca for this years open house .Students have to assist in  preparing for scripts  costume even if they are not part of the cast as there are lot of back work for a drama to be staged .This year she didnt get opportunity to act in stage but she did help out with props preparation etc for that .

.Leadership opportunities are offered to students who are keen and Arshi got into Young Ambassador  leadership group. LEADERSHIP involvement are also taken into consideration while they are given 2 points for Leaps 2.0.Arshi told me that this leadership they do national education stuff .Assist in doing games .She performed a song with her group  in this years National Day celebration in her school.She told me that each leadership group is assigned few events and her leadership group takes care of events like Racial Harmony  Day ,National Day ,Total Defence Day celebrations as well as Bedok Trail and post exam activities. THESE kids also put up some performance for new sec 1 s during their orientation camp and also some performance during year end graduation night out for o levels students. Arshi also helped out in ushering for this years open house .They had a 2 day camp too in their school.They have 1 day leadership session a week after school hours and have to stay up for that. In case of events they have to spend more time in that too .Arshi says they plan for events ,allocate responsibility to different members in such once a week leadership meetings as she terns her leadership sessions .Usually seniors are mentors to sec 1 s and these kids learn from their seniors. Teachers are facilitators and act as guide .Most of the task are done by students. They are taught to be more independent. Arshi's school gave leadership opportunities and those interested can apply and they will  e interviewed and selected ones will be informed to join in their chosen leadership group.

Arshi took part in this year's National Day Parade held at Padang and she loved every bit of it though it was very tiring .Major chunk of time was devoted to that. I AM PROUD THAT SHE TOOK PART IN THIS YEAR'S NDP.Most of her weekends were dedicated to NDP rehearsals. She used to go early in the morning avd come back late in the night and we used to pick her from nearest MRT around 10.30 pm where she was dropped from her school during the weekends during July  and Aug .I loved her glittery lion costume with tail .And that heavy head gear which she told was really heavy. GLAD that kids loved it and did great performances in front of thousands of live audience from June end  week after week till August 9.Arshi's school gave away tickets for parents to watch thanks to Arshi CK watched his first NDP.Arshi had watched many NDPs in TV as well as live but this should be a different experience as she was a participant and not a mere spectator. She knew what goes and how much hard work goes behind the scene as she was one of the performers. No money or classroom training can give this experience to her like NDP.

I had mentioned that Arshi takes higher Tamil I  her school.They have to take O level Tamil exam during year 3 and higher Tamil during year 4 and if she passes both with good score then she will get 2 points which can deduct while she joins Junior College .Arshi isn't reading much Tamil books and I have been bugging her to read .I am scared how she will fare her Tamil exams.I still feel she does many spelling mistakes in Tamil and her composions are not upto the mark expected by teachers and She has to use many idioms and phrases and thus can be learnt only by reading which she rarely does.
I am glad to say that Arshi took part in a inter school competition and got first prize for speech competition for lower secondary category. She also got 2 nd place in her school's Tamil speech competition for her level.She also took part in her school's mother tounge festival and took part in fancy dress competition and got 3 rd prize .Infact most of those who took part were given prize .They got Popular book vouchers as prize .Arshi dressed up as Kannagi and spoke a few lines .It was a last min preparation and I had to persuade her to take part as her teachers were encouraging all students to take part .I am sure it was  a different experience for her .

Arshi also took part in this years National Public Speaking Competition but she didnt get into finals. BUT that was an enriching experience as her mentor guided her very much in preparing for script and they gained a lot of knowledge through that .

Arshi is also part of her school's TIP program .It's once a week program after class sessions end and again they have to apply and get interviewed. Arshi was lucky to be selected and be part of this program. As of year 1 they didnt have much TIP sessions as they started only from Semester 2.Hope she will enjoy the forthcoming TIP sessions .

From these I guess you can figure out that there are loads of other activities that go on in a secondary school student apart from normal academics and they have to manage their time wisely. TIME MANAGEMENT is a key that they have to learn avd apply in their daily life .

Next year they have to choose subject combination after sec 2 end and that is based on their academic results. I don't even know what are all the subjects that are being offered and what are the subject combination and what are the implications of choosing different subject combinations.Arshi herself isn't sure of this and I am pretty sure her school will guide us when the time comes for that.

As of now she is enjoying her long holidays .Occasionally she goes to her school or goes to practice for her performance due after school reopens for her juniors .Come June 2 she will be a senior and there will be many juniors entering her school.

In between her busy schedule she managed to attend few ukulele sessions too but that was not regular.This Nov she did a group ukulele performance in Our Tampines Hub .Luckily as it was during Nov and her exam finishes by Oct first week itself she was able to attend most of the practice sessions .But next year her class timings is getting changed and we feel she will find find it difficult  to attend it as she will come home late that day as she will be having her leadership meetings that day .I have asked to try for few days and then decide if she wants to continue or quit. Ukulele class is the only extra class she goes in .We have even stopped her carnatic music classes last year mid itself as she wasn't showing any interest in that and wanted to quit avd we too thought it was best as her PSLE was nearing that time .

This holidays she also hosted for our neighborhood Deepavali celebrations. She practiced a few days for this .I was nervous if she would talk without stammer but was glad she managed it well.It should be good experience for her.
This year we have been showing Arshi to her skin doctor anc glad to say that she has been discharged as good improvement and asked to avoid sun exposure and use sun screen lotion while in sun which was what she did while having her NDP practices in Kanji Camp and then in Padang and we just need to monitor her skin .As far as makeup is concerned just wipe away makeup properly after performance.

I hope next year Arshi becomes more responsible and gains more knowledge. And God showers his blessing on her and she gets good health.

I will try to post pictures I got but the main problem is getting those pics here as I don't have a single source and most pics are with Arshi's phone and she deletes most of them .

Monday 9 December 2019

2019 so far

Arshi has finished sec 1 and going to sec 2 next year. She got adjusted to her school pretty well .She is not among top but loving her studies .She is again blessed by caring and dedicated teachers .Here except for parents teacher meeting where we can meet maximum  of 6 teachers we parents don't have any contact with teachers. Students are taught to be independent and learn to ask their doubts among their peers and teachers themselves. They have hand phone and WhatsApp group for each subject and at the beginning  I found it quite annoying to see her glued to her phone frequently but later realized that students here are like that. She gets her doubts clarified through that medium when in house .These days she hardly sits with us and studies .Its trial and error and she is trying to figure out what method suits her well. She spends most of the day  in her school and mostly comes late after cca ,leadership sessions, TIP class etc .It us quite tiring to see her like that .Her scores are not as high as she was in her primary school.Here getting above 60,70 is considered a joy for her and she clearly says she can't shine like others and I shouldn't compare her with others and tries her best to outshine her own best. Its  good in a way .I would be glad of she gets good score the next few years and lands in good JC and then a good university with a good degree.Next year end they will have streaming and have to choose subjects .Mostly subject combination is chosen by students and they are allocated subjects based on Mark.I am not sure what subject fancies Arshi .These dats we cannot force kids with our decision but we can merely be a  guide .Hope Arshi goes through right path .
CK is growing up. WE managed to get him a seat near our house for his nursery .Its Arshis preschool and just near our block.He should cope well there. I AM quite worried about him being very naughty .While many would have already gone to school its gonna be first time for this boy .
I am also facing lot of health issue from last June .on and off to doctors and having medications. Hope the coming days bring positive change to me health wise .I have been having ulcers and recently leg and knee and bone and joint pain too.Proper diagnosis isn't done and every visit they give some medicine and hope the problem resolves there .I too am hopeful I get cured soon as this impacts my mental health too a lot .
Though its holiday time I am not going out frequently due to chill weather ,my health and ofcourse the naughty CK who is at times quite difficult  to manage and keeps running around places .I have to ask arshi to accompany me even if I go to nearby shops to buy provisions as it's almost impossible these days tc of him alone .
Arshi is bored in house as it is holiday time and spends her time taking care of ck ,helping me around with chores and reading books and watching YouTube videos etc .

Wishing that we welcome brand new year with loads of positiveness. MAY ALL OUR DREAMS COME TRUE.