Tuesday 27 December 2016

ck settai continues

#cksettai-toppling down bamboo pole kept in t corner and playing is much better and interesting than playing with toys mummy.dont pull me away please.

Thursday 22 December 2016

karthigai 2016

This year karthigai pics.karthigai is festival of lights for us and we lit lamp in house.This is ck's first karthigai with our family.
HE was down with diahhrea that time and seen dr several times and still recovering.praying he gets well soon.
NEXT day

ARSHI lighting  sparklers as we have a tradition to light sparklers on karthigai night apart from deepavali night.few sparklrs that are bought for deepavali are saved for karthigai night.

CAN you see ck in the background?he is actively lepord crawling these days around the house

karthiagai day deepam put by arshi and myself.hubby and arshi helped with keeping lamps.

Tuesday 13 December 2016


#CKSETTAI yesterday ck played with ph grabing it and no way i could stop him.otherwise he bangs him t floor and screams until i return.he had pressed few nos and had called it seems and believe me ph was engaged till hubby came home.i had kept ph aside without looking if it was in engaged mode .hubby -he had called us from supermarket t get stuff for ck n ph was engaged.i realised it only then.much more settais t come in t days t come.

SETTAI continues(updated 20/12/2016)

#cksettai -i bought a new pai from india and this fella has damaged it to this extent,he keeps removing the thread and hay from paai.now the size of paai has been reduced much and in a dying stage all thks t ck.he plucks hay from paai and chews it or throws it in floor.he has damaged another paai too.i think all kids love to do  this.
CK going inside bouncer.

Monday 21 November 2016

Deepavali 2016

This year was special as we have a new addition.Initially I thought I would make it simple snacks for deepavali.But Arshi wanted a   few must have receipes I do every year for this year too.We bought new dresses for the kids whereas we used those bought in India.I made snacks for only 2 days.This year Deepavali was on 29 oct saturday.Arshi's SA2 were ongoing that time.So that meant I can do snacks only in the mornings after my regular chores and if Ck is cooperative.  I managed to squeeze in time and start sweets that Tuesday.I did traditional paalkova and badam halwa and payatam urundai that day.I felt tired as I had kept 2 litres of milk in stove and it took hours to simmer and by the time paalkova was ready ,I was too tired.In between CK was cranky too.So I bought him to kitchen and was cooking at the same time.Luckily I was done with making yummy paalkova which Arshi and hubby love very much.But I personally feel traditional paalkova made is simply unbeatable compared to the now so called easy microwave paalkova.I had soaked little badam too.So tried my hands making badam halwa for the first time.  

Then the Thursday I made thenkuzhal varieties -mul thenkuzal,ribbon pakoda,karasev,omapodi and Arshi's fav -mixture and finally did microwave corn halwa.I also made deepavali legiyam.Later I packed few packets for my friends and Arshi's teachers.

Friday I thought of doing somasi.so I prepared the maavu for that.CK was super cranky.So I made urundai of that instead.Hubby asked me to wind up doing the snacks. I thought of doing gulab jamun.never mind. I will do it some other time later.  

In the evening we made bajji.I made the kids wear new dress and in the evening Arshi lighted sparkles.

It was raining that day.As RAMAR koil is near and through direct bus it wasn't a problem.

On the day of Deepavali ,We woke up early morning,did ganga  snanam-oil bath and wore new dresses and went to Ramar temple.

In the evening we went to near by park to lit sparklers.CK wore a pyjama jippa given as gift by Lakshmi.

The next week our RC had Deepavali celebration and Arshi performed few songs in ukulele there.She bunked her music class for the performance as it was held on a Saturday.

That day the RC had arranged sparklers too for the kids and adults to light in the open space.

Indeed I really enjoyed a lot for this Deepavali.        

Saturday 19 November 2016

arshi P4 -excellence day

YOU all know arshi was here with my hubby alone for few months till i was away in india for delivery.I always felt guilty leaving Arshi here.But I didnt have other choices then.Arshi has made me really happy with her year end results.She dropped in SA1 AND compared to term 1 improved in term 2.To be frank ,I didnt sit much with her after coming with ck.only i bugged her to study regularly.i was terrified by t amt of backlog she had created for maths.but soon she.started finishng all t pending works.and improved in her studies.but still maths was her weaker subject.
A look at her report book .

Though she didnt get high marks in all subjects,there is sure an improvement in her scores.

I am happy to share that she got bilingual    award in her school's annual prize giving day which is held at year end.

May ARSHI reach greater heights in future.Future studies -P 5 and above is gonna be more stressful.Hope god gives her strength to shine brightly in all she does.

Sunday 18 September 2016

CK in dreamland

Recently I have come across lot of cute pics of babies sleeping and in different background.I wanted to try out those sleeping dream photography on CK too.Some clicks of him.I used easy stuff found in house and love experimenting them on ck.i try to create different backgrounds and place ck in it.still learning the tricks.But happy to see the results.I will try to update the pictures of him in this category if I do more of this stuff in the days to come.If you have infants and toddlers you too can try this on them.Imagination and random household stuff are all u  need.and ofcourse ur baby.awake or asleep doesnt matter.If babies are asleep it is an added advantage as they won't disturb the background props.Hope you love these pictures.

i caught t cloud and ate it too thinking it as a cotton candy

flying kites in a lush green meadow is really very refreashing

twinkle twinkle little star and the moon in the sky

i love playing with my little pony touching the rainbow

playing with nemo underwaters is so much fun

drenching in candy rain

i am a choco icecream boy

mummy squezzed me inside a burger

oct 2016

FUN with idea bubble

how i wish mummy gives me sweets than the milk

its fruits whereas i desire yummy sweet candies

nov 2016

nov 2016

STORY board inspired 21/11/2016
taken on 22/11/2016

taken on 21/11/2016

mummy hung me as i was naughty

THESE updatd on 22/12/2016
i wanted to try ballerina on him and ended up doing all these on him.love my fairy angel very much.

FAIRY with a magic wand to give you wishes

P.s.  most of the pics are updated after the first post