Sunday 21 December 2014

Looking back:Arshi's P2

Arshi finished her P2 and is entering P3 next Jan.I am happy she managed to adapt to her school.I am happy to share a few milestones she passed along during this academic year.She was awarded model pupil for the second term.A moment I can be proud of  her !!!!!

She also topped in her level.A great news to me as I never expected her to top her level.She not only topped her level, but also topped in Tamil language and also got bilingual award.

with her form teacher Mrs wong without whome Arshi would not have come this far.She not only motivated kids to study well but also encouraged kids to read a lot .We will miss Mrs Wong a lot.A very dedicated teacher who motivated me to go beyond boundaries to reach out to the kids.

with her cool buddies

She also got Credit in UNSW's English.I am very happy for her as I didn't  give any practice for this competitive exam.

Arshi also participated in her school's deepavali celebrating by being part of the girls carrying lamp and welcoming audiences.

can notice this is very blur as parents were seated away and this is all we could get.
Arshi also particpated and represented her school's Tamil department in 2  different competitions-one on story telling  : attichudi stories and another one reciting attichudi. I am happy to share that though she didn't manage to win these competitions, she managed to clear round 1 in one of the competition.Participating in such competitions has given her more confidence to speak in public without much stage fear.I hope, one day with proper training and handwork she will be able to perform even better .

School is  not only a  place where the kids learn studies from book.They learn from outdoor activities too.Her teacher was kind enough to send us some pictures.You can see that school is  in fact fun.

Apart from school studies Arshi also joined in our near by CC's (Tampines Central Community Centre)Ukulele interest group and she had been going to it once a  week.She made her maiden performance in our neighborhood Singing Festival and her group's photo came in "Tabla", a  local weekly newspaper as well.

You all will be by now  know Arshi is  also going for her music classes and  this year started with lot of  chaos as  we were not sure if  her music institute would continue to operate  and also there was confusion of  who will teach her class after many of  her music batch mates left the music class.Luckily, Arshi got  a  new music teacher named Sumitra Srinivasan who taught the kids with atmost sincerity.Her teacher taught her many new lessons as well as bajans(devotional songs).This year too Arshi was blessed to perform in 2 temples during Navrathri.

Wishing Arshi all the very best for the year/years ahead and she do her best in all she ventures into.

Hope the new year brings in more joy and happiness  for all and a  new beginning for many of  us.

Children's playground at Gardens by the Bay

Last March Holidays I took Arshi to Children's playground at Gardens by the Bay.If you have small kids, I suggest , this is  a   best place to take your kids and it is  absolutely free of  course.While we can stroll around Garden's by the bay, children can enjoy too in their playground.This playground has dry as well as  wet area.

This playground has many play equipment just fit for kids.They will be spoil t for choices .There is  sand play area too where kids can have loads of  fun.If you love tree houses, then this place is  great.The wet playground is  very well maintained and there is  clean shower and  changing room for kids too making it easy for us parents.

on way

beautiful Supertree Groves

Here we come.

cool friends

 You can checkout the various play equipment available in this Children's Garden/playground:

balancing beam

balancing swing

rope climbing

tree house

tunnel slide



look at Arshi's reaction when I asked her to pose with this bridge actually meant for babies.

The wet area is very close to dry playground and so the kids frequent between the two.So, I changed Arshi into her swimwear and let her play and explore both the areas.

Gardens has small swings for your babies and toddlers too

now our favourite part:Wet playground

thumbs up !!!!!!