Wednesday 5 September 2012

Arsheitha's school holidays

It's September and Arsheitha has finished three school terms in her K2.only one more term left.then its time for her P1.Am getting tensed.But she seems to be relaxed and enjoying her week's holidays.Holiday times are always kid's fav and mom's nightmares.You have to keep your kid occupied.I have been trying hard to cope up with her holidays making schedules for her on the places we should be visiting.Her holiday started last Saturday.It began with a great note.we went to Tampines  Changat Nature Center.That evening we were in Punggol waterways viewing SNG opening ceremony.Come Sunday , myself Arsheitha were off to Expo .there we  saw race me and were also in Parents world expo. Monday?nothing.Just some time off in our playground playing with  friends. Tuesday?again nothing. Wednesday-Ya some thing worthful.I took her to Library for a poetry session. I knew she was too small for that.But some how wanted her to keep is also our wedding day.So if weather permits she is gonna have  a great evening too visiting temple and maybe a little outing with her dad.Just 2 more days left for her holidays to be over.then its going to be a routine-school,library,music class, Tamil class,abacus class, homework.....

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