Sunday 23 September 2012

its gonna be a hectic week

Its going to be  a hectic  week.schools there for usual. homework.....its getting tough for her.eagerly looking forward for this weekend.there is going to be lantern fest this weekend.have made a lantern for arshi which she will b using for the lantern contest.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Arsheitha's school holidays

It's September and Arsheitha has finished three school terms in her K2.only one more term left.then its time for her P1.Am getting tensed.But she seems to be relaxed and enjoying her week's holidays.Holiday times are always kid's fav and mom's nightmares.You have to keep your kid occupied.I have been trying hard to cope up with her holidays making schedules for her on the places we should be visiting.Her holiday started last Saturday.It began with a great note.we went to Tampines  Changat Nature Center.That evening we were in Punggol waterways viewing SNG opening ceremony.Come Sunday , myself Arsheitha were off to Expo .there we  saw race me and were also in Parents world expo. Monday?nothing.Just some time off in our playground playing with  friends. Tuesday?again nothing. Wednesday-Ya some thing worthful.I took her to Library for a poetry session. I knew she was too small for that.But some how wanted her to keep is also our wedding day.So if weather permits she is gonna have  a great evening too visiting temple and maybe a little outing with her dad.Just 2 more days left for her holidays to be over.then its going to be a routine-school,library,music class, Tamil class,abacus class, homework.....

Monday 3 September 2012

A funfilled night for the whole family @ Night Fest

This is my first blogging activity and in this first post , I would like to share with you all our fun-filled experience we had at night festival @ 24, Aug 2012 held at various locations near Bras Basah Bugis area.Night Festival is an annual night activity  brought by National Heritage Board, Ministry of Information,Communication and the Arts and held in Bras Basah,Bugis.It was held over two weekends.I choose to go in the first weekend itself.I came to know of this night festival through booklets in Library.Last year thought of going but missed it.This year wanted to be there.I made some research about  the festival in internet and read the brochures..As usual, got  some brochures from Library,researched the net.A look at some of the pamphlets I got before the actual trip to the Night Festival.

Made up a rough plan of where we should go.Arsheitha was as interested as myself.She was prepared for the festival a week ago the actual day.She too was fascinated by the brochure.Museums were opened for this late night festival . They had free entry for all.will you believe the festival were till 2 am.It was a Friday night.I set off with my hubby and daughter Arsheitha to the night fest with camera in my hands to capture all the night lights that is going  to be happening.One thing I do before going for events is charge my battery so that I can take as many photos as I can. It was my first time .We were all very thrilled......It started around 9.00PM.We started our funfilled night at School of the Arts.We were greeted by lovely volunteers.We got a Night Festival booklet which i should say was handy for most of the time we were in the night festival.It had loads of information of the various venues,happenings there and a map of the whole festival as well.

Arsheitha was thrilled to see children's dream , a light installation where all her drawing characters were bought to life.I could see a house, a girl,animals,castle.....I could see children's drawing coming to life.I though a great night awaits us.A great start.My small daughter was enjoying everything around her.

You can see Arsheitha holding Night Festival in one hand and doing thumps up on the other hand.The booklet is for us guiding us through the night fest, whereas the thumps up is for the night fest ,so nice.My daughter likes this.

Then we headed to National Museum of Singapore.Got ourself immersed with the night lights .I had never seen National Museum Of Singapore flooded with such thematic lights before.It was like seeing a live movie under the stars.I had a feeling that NMS came alive that day and told us stories.....

If you notice ,you can see image of a hand,eyes.
The performance by Circus Swingapore made us spellbound.Arsheitha made a girl puppet.See arsheitha trying her new puppet she made.

 We took home the puppet she made.She is really proud of her new possession.

It was followed by a puppet show as well named One Fine Day by Paper Monkey Theatre group.

A work that captivated the attention of all is surely the 3D Art, Scaling the Dome which was showcased near the entrance.

We visited a few galleries too.Saw a film Projector,some props used for drams,film posters.Was impressed when I saw tamil movie posters as well.
Look at the crowd inside NMS. Believe me, its around 10.00 PM.But the crowd was still lively inside a museum.

The Architectural beauty kept us spellbound.It took us back to the great old days.We imagined ourself living in those era.

After NMS we headed towards SMU green.We passed by Nestle Stall.But oops, thye were closed.but saw them from the outer.We really enjoyed great performances in SMU green.A perfect chill night to enjoy a chill performance.We were witnessing a show shared by both young as well as old.All the audience were swinging with the performers.Even Arsheitha danced to their tunes.

Then we followed  to the Singapore Art Museum(SAM).On our way we were greeted by stilt walkers.Arsheitha posing with the stilt walkers dressed as policemen.....

We headed to SAM.The night lights were welcoming all the three of us.It was time  to again take a few photos.The night lights were fantastic here too just as in NMS with beautiful music in the backdrop.Couldn't believe SAM had so many faces (see the photos, you will realise why I said so)

We went to explore more inside SAM.We went to the Queen Courtyard where Distorted Forest.Indeed  a fierce forest.Its a forest with lights and shadows trying to create a stormy and haunted forest appear.

Initially i though Arsheitha would be afraid, but to my surprize,she was enjoying everything she was seeing.

Then we headed to some of the galleries and saw some of the exhibits.

 We saw Temple of Hope

What really fascinated me was the Bajaj-gold and silver auto.

Check these photos.....

Can you recognise them?

My favourite was Electricity (Neon). Catch some of my clicks....

Some more from the galleries

Finally we went to SAM 8Q.We have been there twice before for the Art Garden and Arsheitha loved them so much.We went on for a third time.Giant eyes pooping out and giant fish tank welcomed us at the entrance.

As usual Arsheitha played Ping Pong with her dad there.This time Arsheitha seemed to behave like a guide guiding her dad.It is my hubby's first visit.We went on to see the reactive wall.

You can see him trying on the reactive wall.

See how the image blow up according to our voice modulation.
Then we moved on see the other sections of the 8Q-the Art of Imagination,dress me up.Then we moved to Arsheitha's favourite section,5Squid

 and Grow a garden in the dark.
This one is my personal favourite as well.

We were by now very exhausted and being satisfied of seeing 2 museums-NMS,SAM,SAM@ 8Q,children's dream outside school of Arts and SMU green, all in a night we called it  a night to remember.Initially before starting I was afraid if Arsheitha could manage.I knew she loved the festival just by having glimpse of the booklet.But luckily she managed and all the more she enjoyed all the events and places.She told us she wanted to be back again.As a mother I was relived.I should thanks the organisers for they arranged  kids activity in many places and this encourages all to bring along their kids.

We headed back home bringing back loads of good memories to cherish and of course sweet night light dreams......A great family outing , that too in the chill night (free of-course).Hope to be back next year too when Night Festival comes back.looking for  more fun for the whole family.It was indeed a time to Recollect,reflect and reconnect with the our history and what way could it be better done without  visits to museum where our past stands before us and reflects the history and thus reconnecting.A time we introduce these to our children when they are still young thus inculcating strong bonds in their minds.We are really happy that our family too is part of this learning journey and would love to be in the future too.