Saturday 3 October 2020

2020 so far

 2020 is almost 3/4 over.CK started his nursery 2 this year and is enjoying his preschool learning journey so far. Arshi is in sec 2 now  and as I am typing this her final term exams are ongoing and her Mark's will determine her subject combination she will choose for next year .We have a subject combination in our mind but not sure if she will be able to get it and I am still not sure what subject combo to choose and if our planned combo is good enough. 2020 saw covid 19 the pandemic the whole world got shoke off.Jan first case happened in sg and later cases increased and many community spread by march .April, May saw circuit breaker where schools were shut and many businesses close down and we were almost confined to home and arshi has home based learning for 1 month during April. Now we are always wearing mask while going out and sanitizing hands while outside and disinfecting things we buy and shower after coming home to prevent getting infection. We are trying our best to stay safe and take precautions we can .We usually travel to India every june but this year we had to miss it because of covid. Even India is worst hit by covid. HERE government is trying to bring on opening up slowly in phases with much precautions and public gathering of more than 5 outside is not allowed and social distancing is the new norm while outside.Even temples didnt allow public to workship a few months ago and now there is restriction on number of people can visit temple at any given time and safe entry app is used and anyone entering malls shopping centers and temples need to give their details via app or they scan our NRIC while checking in and our temperature are taken while we enter these places to ensure that we are healthy. Even after following many precautions very strict there is still spread at places as many are still asymptomatic which means they dont show any symptoms of covid which is usually fever, cough ,cold, loss of smell and taste .Schools follow strict precautions and if a child is unwell then those above 12 with flu like symptoms should see dr and get swab test done and they are allowed only when the swab test gives a negative report .Same way lot of other precautions are also done in arshi school like they are seated at some gap to maintain social distancing and kids wipe down their seats before any session including canteen  and after the school ends the classroom is disinfected by cleaners. Almost all extra classroom activity like her leadership sessions and cca sessions including her TIP session are conducted online instead of physical classes to avoid interaction between students of different classes .After months of wearing mask etc kids have almost got used to this new normal. THEY adapt quick. I still feel uncomfortable wearing mask for prolonged period .Wondered how kids and others especially those in healthcare wear mask all the time .My hubby was working and going to office even during circuit breaker time .Now most businesses are open including theaters. Still many who can work from home are wfh like those from IT sector.As it is not tha5vsafe to go out frequently we dont go out unless for essentials like dropping and picking ck from school and going to shops to buy provisions and grocery and that too I buy for a few days do that I need not frequent shops often.Even shops have sanitizerat counters and we sanitise our hands frequently. As we dint go out much most of the times are spent indoors and ck has shown interest to draw and draws loads 

and be creative and i too try to engage him to play with puppets his new joy  and toys .It has been very rare he goes to play area and if he visits then i make sure he showers after coming home .I pray that this covid ends soon and we return to our normal life and move our lives  without the fear of getting infected .

Life this 6 months

Life has taken great change this 6 months since I blogged .Jan 2020 world came to know of a virus that started from wuhan and later now spread throughout the world changing everyone's life.I thought it was just another virus that hit some country but then I was wrong .Singapore was also hit badly.