Wednesday 28 August 2019

CK 3 years plus

Ck is growing up and do sweet at times and soooooo annoying at times .He is picking up new skills day by day. I should admit that I don't sit with him and teach him as I used to sit for arshi .May be I am getting older or he is too hyperactive  who doesn't sit idle a moment. He loves watching YouTube videos  and loves to go bye bye .He has started speaking few words .That too meaningful sentences of 2_3  words.Just like all kids of his age right .He loves to play with his scooter (preloved one from arshi ).He enjoys playing in playgrounds  loves bus and train raids and loves playing especially in Our Tampines Hub children's playground. Next year he will be going to Nursery 2 .We have enrolled him in a school. It isn't bear our place. I should also look for other options if can secure admission  in our near by area .I am eagerly awaiting for him to go schooling where he will have loads of fun and learn new things every day Nd make new friends. HE IS VERY NAUGHTY.
Some of his pics