Thursday 12 April 2018

no TV again and " no "to many more things too!!!

NOT sure what to write at this moment.We are living with literally little to minimum gadgets these few days as most of them of gone repaired and either needs to be fixed or replaced.Can I say REPAIR time .for manythings.
MY hubby decided to switch our service provider for INTERNET and homeline phone.Our previous provider disconnected our lines without our knowledge 2-3 weeks before even though there was still time to renew our contact.OUR contract was still there and didnt become void .So our journey without internet and phone began.HUBBY immediately got a new contract from.a new service provider but we could get connection only after 4 days.That too only for internet and getting phone line connection is still delayed till date as I am writing this.We were let to live in a land of no communication for 4 days.NO calls,watsapp,facebook and ARSHI couldnt live without it as we realised much of our lives was halted if there isnt net.ARSHI would use hubby's data for emergencies.NOWADAYS I manage majority of ARSHI'S activities through watsapp or classdojo.HER CLASS FORM teacher gives important updates via CLASSDOJO.There is WATSAPP grp for her music class and ukulele classes as well.I contact with individual school teachers via this platform too.Thank goodness we got our net connection on a TUESDAY night.4 days (-A  FRIDAY morning we got disconnected and next TUESDAY got backbnet.) after we were disconnected from the virtual world.
THE story doesn't end here.OUR TV   also suddenly went blank.THERE was only audio coming and no video.I was listening to TV whenever I was feeling bored.
CK - I should admit at this moment that    is growing up to be an internet addict.AFTER we got back net .I used to watsapp call my friends.CK usually bored as there isnt TV will want to grab my tablet where I will be calling my friends.PREVIOUSLY ,I used to call them over landline and here in SINGAPORE there is unlimited local call facility.So no need to worry about bills.That doesnt mean I will be chatting 24/7 sitting in the sofa.I will be doing my chores while talking.I will be cutting veggies while putting phone in speaker mode.I will also cook,wash vessels,fold clothes and even sweep and mop floor while talking.The talks will be usually about family and kids and their studies will occupy a major portion of our conversation.I gained lot of things and learnt lot from my helpful friends.They keep me motivated whenever  I feel strsssed or depressed and keep me moving ahead.LEARNT lot about how to handle CK and ARSHI.     THATS also onr of the reason I dont blog frequently as I am. QUITE busy with household work and taking care of CK.I am typing this quickly in a FRIDAY morning while CK is still asleep.
TILL now even while waiting for PHONELINE to be connected again I am in watsapp call with few of my dearies.I do watsapp messages too to others.
CK these days is on non stop youtube watching competition I would say.He is just 23 months plus and can navigate to youtube and play his fav videos which are usually rhymes.But he wont watch any single video completely and will navigate many videos.SOME rhymes are good.BUT some videos aren't that nice.ARSHI and myself are thinking of ways how we can make him see only few good videos.We do make effort to take away   tablet from him and play with him.He has his set of toys -many already broken by him.He has broken wheels in cars.I should mention many toys were here from ARSHI'S time.She has handled them with care.WAhen CK gets his turn he broke the perfectly good conditioned cars which looked like new cars very quickly.MAYBE BOYS are BOYS.AND meant to be NAUGHTY.HE likes to play wirh real life things too like vessels etc.
HUBBY is trying to fix TV.AM I missing it?YA to some extent.BUT not that much as there is tablet for us.BUT TV will be good as CK can watch in big screen instead of keeping tablet in his hand al the time and getting heate  up and ending up spoiling his eyes too.ARSHI keeps warning us that CK will be wearing spdcts way ahead of all of     us probabily while he is still in his kindergarden.
ARSHI does miss watching TV as she got habit of watching TV and slowly having lunch and dinner for hours together so that she can delay her studies.She usually watches TV after 8.30 pm -10.30 or 11 pm everyday .She ill study or do her work while watching TV.We need to keep her remainding to resume her work or to go to a seperate room to study which she will usually dodge.I feel this no TV time is good as she is able to study/revise more than before.SHE is doing her PSLE this year and how prepared are we for it is a different story altogether.BUT I do agree this cant b continued.We need to know what happens around by watching NEWS.  I am waiting for hubby to either repair or buy a new set.ANYWAY he needs to buy a new digital TV by this DECEMBER 2018 as normal TV s wont work afterwards.
I asked my hubby to atleast switch on the radio as I can atleast listen to it.HE found out the remote isnt working and so RADIO isnt working too at the moment.NEW batteries were also tried but no use.SOMETHING faulty in the main radio remote itself I guess.CK last year lost our TV remote and while trying to figure out what was wrong with our radio he checked on the speaker set too and found a treasure bixhidden inside the speaker.WE found 2 remotes ,ARSHI'S hairclips and pen and hiz toysinside the speaker.THANK GOD he didnt put anything further as he had one day accdentaly closed the speaker with his feeding bottle and the feeding bottle  got thd hole.We werent able to reteive the bottle then as hubby didnt knew way to open thd speaker and get out that feeding bottle.That bottle was guarding our other things from going inside the monster speaker.
    MEANWHILE our standing FAN got repaired and luckily hubby fixed it bac to working condition soon enough.
MY kitchen sink pipe got broken and water couldnt be stopped on a sat/sunday morning but luckily hubby my saviour these cases was at home and quickly fixed it.THOUGH I am still managing with the broken pipe atleast I am glad it is still functional.I can open /close pipe with some caution.AT times pipe  comes down and I know how to fix it back atleast for the time being.      
OUR mixie also got repaired.HUBBY as usual has dismantaled it and trying to get back on working condition soon.THIS one not working is of great distress to me as I cannot grind anything now.I had to ask for rasam powder from a friend which ai usually dont do.I try to adjust with whatever I have.BUt had to do it for CK as he cant survive without rasam day or night..HE has parupu mammu with rasam for lunch and rasam rice or idly/dosa dipped in rasam/sambar for dinner.MY mil has plans to coms hete soon and if hubby isnt able to fix it mostly she will buy a new one I guess.

THESE few days I am learning that life doesnt always go on a expected line.THERE are changes  you need to adapt in cases like this and keep moving.ADJUST,ADAPT .and just go through the flow.  AND your education will come handy anytime we wouldnt have imagined.MY hubby is an engineer by profession and an engineering graduate and his knowledge about electrical circuits and other things is helping him deal these .NOT sure if he can fix all the mess though.

WE had gone through without TV for 2-3 months before too in the year 2013 and I had blogged it back then.We survived then and will survive this phase too.
HOPE soon enough these things will be back to normal and our regular lifestyle resumes soon.