Tuesday 27 December 2016

ck settai continues

#cksettai-toppling down bamboo pole kept in t corner and playing is much better and interesting than playing with toys mummy.dont pull me away please.

Thursday 22 December 2016

karthigai 2016

This year karthigai pics.karthigai is festival of lights for us and we lit lamp in house.This is ck's first karthigai with our family.
HE was down with diahhrea that time and seen dr several times and still recovering.praying he gets well soon.
NEXT day

ARSHI lighting  sparklers as we have a tradition to light sparklers on karthigai night apart from deepavali night.few sparklrs that are bought for deepavali are saved for karthigai night.

CAN you see ck in the background?he is actively lepord crawling these days around the house

karthiagai day deepam put by arshi and myself.hubby and arshi helped with keeping lamps.

Tuesday 13 December 2016


#CKSETTAI yesterday ck played with ph grabing it and no way i could stop him.otherwise he bangs him t floor and screams until i return.he had pressed few nos and had called it seems and believe me ph was engaged till hubby came home.i had kept ph aside without looking if it was in engaged mode .hubby -he had called us from supermarket t get stuff for ck n ph was engaged.i realised it only then.much more settais t come in t days t come.

SETTAI continues(updated 20/12/2016)

#cksettai -i bought a new pai from india and this fella has damaged it to this extent,he keeps removing the thread and hay from paai.now the size of paai has been reduced much and in a dying stage all thks t ck.he plucks hay from paai and chews it or throws it in floor.he has damaged another paai too.i think all kids love to do  this.
CK going inside bouncer.